Sprint Five Accomplishments

Written on February 17, 2024

By: Bhavya Patel

The mechanical team has been working diligently this past week to accomplish their goals. They have finished assembling the competition robot, “Inferno.” They’ve also finished the electrical work for Inferno, which includes things like wiring. Something they’re also working on is coordinating time for the usage of the robot. This is a struggle because the mechanical and electrical subteams want to work on it at the same time as the software subteam.

Members of mechanical team working in the shop

Box of NotesThe software team has been working on coding the drive system for the robot. They have also been searching for a code to use for the vision camera. The vision camera is what will help the robot be able to find its target to make shooting the Notes easier. The camera does this by recognizing vision tags that will be on specific pieces of the playing field. Once that is working, the programmers can write autonomous routines where Inferno moves in pre-planned ways to score points during the first fifteen seconds of each match.

See the game animation here

The strategy subteam has also been scouting for alliances and have heard back from three teams! Along with that, they are evaluating potential drivers and deciding the best fit.

CAD is currently struggling to make the intake wider without it hitting other parts. A strategy they are using is creating a completely new intake design. They are also working on adding climbers onto the main robot which will lift the robot onto a loose chain that is on the stage.

Members of the business team have started going around to local businesses in Burlington and asking if they would like to be a part of our calendar raffle. They have also been creating a box for giveaway stickers, working together to make more buttons, and repainting the large team number signs used for competitions.

Members of business team painting signs for the competitions

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