Sprint 2 Saturday Meeting
By: Bhavya Patel
This Saturday we tested out the field element called the Speaker. The initial goal was to shoot the orange ring, called the “Note,” into the Speaker’s opening. Each time the Note didn’t make it into the Speaker, our team’s programmers changed the distance it was being shot. After many trials and errors, the Note managed to land inside the speaker. The mechanisms used to shoot the Note into the Speaker field element are the Intake and Shooter. The Note is pulled into the mechanism from the ground and it goes into the Indexing compartment which then holds it. Then the Shooter wheels spin and send it into the Shooter to shoot. This idea was inspired by a team in Australia called “Quokkas.”
Most of the food for this week’s Saturday meet was donated by generous parents. A big thanks to those parents who donated. We greatly appreciate it! The main course was a variety of pizzas from Blaze Pizza. Thanks, Blaze! Some of the items the parents gave were a salad, fruits, mozzarella sticks, wraps, and sandwiches. We felt well-fed and ready to work for the rest of the day.
The team activity for this week was a scavenger hunt. The scavenger hunt was a great success! The business team worked together to build and run it, with the goal (each Saturday) of resting our brains and building team spirit. We hid tiny pieces of paper either labeled as “candy!!” or “coal.” Everyone was split into teams where they would work together to look for the markers as well as individually to find the papers. If a piece of paper labeled as “coal” is found, it means you will not receive anything for it. The team with the most markers got a prize of candy canes and, depending on how many pieces of paper labeled “candy!!” they had collected, they earned the same amount of candy.